Updating my aliases to quickly switch versions in my .bash_profile, I now have:

Sourcing the .bash_profile (source .bash_profile) and then running each alias, now I’ve got OpenJDK 11 set up and ready to go!

java,jdk 11,mac os,tutorial,java 11,installation
Published at DZone with permission of Kevin Hooke, DZone MVB. See the original article here.
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Minimum requirements to run

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Note that only Mac OS X 10.7.3 and higher will be an Oracle-supported platform. It should continue to run on 10.6.8+ but that is not guaranteed. As of 1-Jan-2012 there are no plans to introduce 10.7-only APIs into the codebase.

Prerequisites to build

JTReg is not required to build but useful for running regression tests

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1. Get the code

2. Build

* Steps for incremental building

3. Smoke Test

4. Install

5. Run

Openjdk 8 Mac Os Download Dmg

If you have the Java Developer Package installed:

6. Test

Download jtreg to run the tests in the /jdk/test directory.


File new bugs at http://bugreport.sun.com/bugreport/. Please check out the bug reporting guidelines if you haven't filed against the project before.


Please join the macosx-port-dev mailing list and ask!

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